Single Window ‘CG Aawas’ System launched, on instructions of Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel….Approval to be provided within 100 days: No frequent visits to offices required

Process for approval of residential colonies made simple and transparent

Updates regarding application to be provided through portal and SMS

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has given instructions to simplify the development process of residential colonies. In the same sequence, ‘Single Window System CG Aawas’ has been developed by Housing and Environment Department for accelerating the approval process for residential colony. This single window system will enable completion of the entire approval process within 100 days. In case colonizer-applicant has not submitted the integrated records of the land plot owned by him/her, additional time-limit of 40 days will be given for land record submission. Under this process, applicant will not have to run from pillar to post in any government offices. Earlier the process of obtaining permit to develop residential colony used to take one and a half to two years, but now this entire process has been made time-bound i.e. applicants will get residential colony development permit within 100 days. All the works related to issuance of land diversion certificates, approved layouts and colony development permit will be done through single window system. Applicant will be provided updates regarding the application submitted through the portal and SMS. This system will avoid recurrence of the process and accountability of the officials concerned will be ensured. The single window system will make the process more transparent and save time of the applicants.

Under CG Awas, no departments concerned will be accepting applications related to permits for residential colonies in their offices from May 21, 2020. From now onwards, applications regarding aforementioned works can be submitted to these departments only through ‘CG Aawas’ system. Applicants can now submit application for colony development from anywhere in Chhattisgarh through ‘CG Awas’ service plus portal.

Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel had given instructions to simplify the colony development process in the state by implementing single-window system. For this, Housing and Environment Minister was made the nodal department for making this process more transparent and simple. On instructions of Chief Minister, a committee was constituted to study the currently implemented system and to recommend changes to transform it into more efficient system. On the basis of the recommendations of the committee, Housing and Environment Department developed software with the help of NIC. Chief Minister Mr. Baghel inaugurated the CG-AWAS(CG-Automated Work Flow and Approval System) as single-window system on November 25. Thereafter, for effective implementation of single window system, required amendments have been made and integrated in the Acts-Rules of departments concerned.

Chhattisgarh Government has appointed Additional District Magistrate in every district for proper implementation of the single-window system. SDM will forward each application to the departments concerned for further action. And after approval from departments concerned, final approval will be given by SDM only. District Collectors will review the applications received under aforementioned system every week in the time-bound meeting.

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